Becoming a Creative Genius

Two free 90 minute introductions to Becoming a Creative Genius: The Generative Way Matrix with former Duke University teacher Carl Nordgren will be offered on December 4 at 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM and 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM. Bring your own lunch for the 12:00 PM program. Sign up here.



Research shows that 98% of us are born with a creative genius but only 4% of us still perform at that level by the time we are 30. The Generative Way Matrix organizes the concepts and techniques proven to help you grow your creative capacity and develop your entrepreneurial instincts as you restore your creative genius. We’ll spend a full day, a wonderfully full day, exploring and discovering the concepts that serve you best. There are plenty of creative exercises and you’ll be guided to develop your own generative matrix, one that best serves your current creative and entrepreneurial challenges and opportunities, and that fuels your continued creative growth

In preparation for the day, participants will take a brief but powerful assessment allowing them to view their dominant thinking and perceptual patterns related to creativity and how to use that understanding throughout the day's activities.

"Carl Nordgren has been my mentor and coach through 4 different start-ups and taught me most of what I know about innovation, creativity, start-ups, fund-raising, venture capital, marketing, story-telling, and having vision. Carl is not just an innovator but he is innovative about innovation. He is both a perpetual student and master teacher of creativity, how it happens, why it happens, and how to make it happen. Carl's breadth of experience across so many companies, technologies, services, writing, marketing services, print media, digital media, teaching, consulting, etc, is synthesized into the foundation that informs his thinking, mentoring and teaching so well." Mark Bowles, serial entrepreneur, Board director, investor, speaker.

Those who know Nordgren’s content comment that it prepares them to get the most out of their application of:

Design Thinking

Agile software development

Lean start-up methodology

Corporate innovation processes

Carl Nordgren is an experienced fishing guide, entrepreneur, professor of creativity and entrepreneurship at Duke University, and an award-winning novelist. His personal experience along with his study of current research into the creative process come together to help you grow your creative capacity and develop your entrepreneurial instincts and that serves you in all aspects of your life.



Becoming a Creative Genius Upcoming Sessions