Individual Style & Style Impact

OVERVIEW There is a LS (leader self) in every leader. The leader is coming from his or her LS when the leader is anchored in the very best personality characteristics that he or she possesses. It is from this center that the leader has the greatest impact and influence. The biggest barrier to your LeaderSelf is your StressSelf which we call the FTL (fixed-tape-loop). The fixed-tape-loop represents the addictive, negative responses that the individual has learned  to survive perceived threats and daily stress through the years. Therefore, successful leadership involves mastering your fixed-tape-loop and replacing it with your LeaderSelf.


  • Assess your leadership style and identify your strengths, barriers, and targeted areas of growth.

  • Learn how to communicate with and motivate people of varying styles.

  • Increase your awareness of and appreciation for the diversity of thought.

  • Gain a solid foundation of the fundamentals of leadership.

  • Understand the source of behaviors that erode your leadership and relationships, empowering you to create sustainable change.

Here is an opportunity to learn more about yourself, your strengths and vulnerabilities, your negative patterns, and tools to transform those patterns in order to activate greater success, influence, and well-being. From the inside out.