Resilience, Wellness and Healthy Choices

OVERVIEW Resilience, Wellness and Healthy Choices  program focuses on increasing your understanding of personal and professional wellness and teaches techniques that reduce stress and improve the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of daily living and working.

Completing a resiliency assessment and map, the program teaches leaders who constantly deal with daily stress how to develop an effective personal response to stress and conflict and how to trigger natural relaxation processes in the body. Increasing awareness of your inner resources to deal productively with stress is emphasized.

Unchecked tension, anger, frustration, and insecurity are all negative triggers into stress that can easily erode your well-being. Discovering repetitive patterns that keep you stuck in these negative emotional states is highlighted. Because emotional pain and conflict from the past are often stored in the muscles and tissues of our bodies, part of the workshop is dedicated to discovering some of those areas, and altering the manner in which you deal with stress.

Benefits for the individual:

Identify precisely the habitual triggers that cause you to upload and live in predictable, stressful conditions.

Plot your habitual stress processes through the mind, body, emotion, and outcome stages to create new templates of behavior and responses to daily stress.

Design and implement healthy mental, physical, emotional, and dietary strategies as response mechanisms to leadership demands.

Increase awareness of your inner resources to deal productively with stress.

Benefits for the organization:

Increase the leader’s ability to respond effectively to change, pressure, conflict and uncertainty, especially in tough economic times.

Improve the leader’s behavior modeling for others in the organization.

Increase clarity and intentionality of the whole group through the leader’s improved level of resilience.

