Facilitation Services

We have two decades of experience in facilitating group processes in a wide variety of roles. In considering our facilitation services, we are superb at


Group Management 

We are adept at creating a safe environment for all to speak and engage, as well as handling conflict and discord as it arises without taking sides or making someone out to be wrong. We recognize individuals have different communication styles and allow for those differences while giving everyone the opportunity to engage.


Communication Skills 

You can expect us to be timely, responsive, flexible and adaptable in our communication, including the pre-meetings and post meetings. We are tuned in to nuances and unspoken communication, are focused listeners, flexible and open to feedback and disagreement.


Agenda Development 

We have vast experience in developing agendas that effectively keep the group engaged, addressing the relevant and meaningful issues for sustained learning and change. Our experience as educators, program developers and facilitators, uniquely equips us to serve as a valuable resource in this process.


Meeting Facilitation 

We are excellent at seeing the big picture and leading the conversation into actionable outcomes. Our process for “Creating Sustainable Change” is a powerful tool in planning the agenda, preparing for the meeting and developing strategies for measurable outcomes.


Learning Opportunities

 As a result of our complete curriculum that makes up the “Center for Integrated Leadership” and our experience in managing learning environments, we naturally incorporate learning into the meeting agenda as needed or as included. Managing the energy of individuals and the session is a vital aspect of facilitation, especially in multi-day meetings, and we are extremely skilled in incorporating elements of one-on-one, partner and small group exercises to enhance communication, participation, innovation and momentum.


Accountability and Momentum

We are committed to serving as a resource beyond the scope of daily duties.  Not only will we be well-versed in the proposed steps moving forward, enabling us to serve as a resource, we also can operate as “momentum coaches” through face to face, telephone and on-line presence.


Preparation and Follow-up

You can count on us to be flexible, available and approachable throughout your process. Whether it be face-to-face or telephone conferences, we will speak with all parties to make sure we completely understand the goals, objectives and expected outcomes.


Relevant Experience

 We have worked in many diverse, complex and challenging group settings, affording us the experience and situational awareness to respond to a wide range of circumstances effectively and gracefully.  We have facilitated programs for high functioning and not so high groups across the country for years. We have led groups in single session events and worked with groups over several years, designing progressive sessions to develop significant leaders and teams.